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What is Meditation?


Meditation or Awareness is to be in present moment; a mindful moment of self belonging. But is meditation just an “awareness of self belonging”?

Meditation is a medicine -- A Cosmic Medicine. Meditation is wisdom.

·         It is a process to understand nature.

·         To evolve you to come close to the nature.

·         A process to Understand, Unravel, Unlock the hidden mysteries in our cellular system.

·         A process to change our body structure, life structure. Change the building blocks of our life — your DNA.

·         It prepares you to be a scientist in your own parlance.

·         A process to achieve not being exceptional rather it's about being in peace within self.

·         Meditation brings peace and then helps to pursue for exceptional.

Meditation is not cerebral cortex Cerebral cortex - Wikipedia

Still it works. How?

Because sometimes at some point, life is without logic.

To be human means — to be creative, to be joyful! Meditation changes our limbic system. Limbic system - Wikipedia

What is present moment?

Mindfulness of surrounding-- the surrounding ambiance, your breath--the sound of your breath, the breeze passing through or touching your skin--making you aware of your five senses, your perception and all five sense of your physical body.

This is summarised by a single word called Awareness.

The tool, the methodology, the technology with which we program the habit of being self aware-- be in self belonging is called Meditation.


According to Dr. John Hagelin particle physicist, researcher and president Maharishi University of Management:


The four layers of universe are:

1.      Classical World

2.      World of molecules and atoms ( Quantum World)

3.      Atomic Nucleus/ Sub Nucleus (Quantum Field Theory)

4.      Unified Field ( Super String Theory)

Deeper you go, simple the nature becomes.

·    What is Unified Field?  How does it influence the Universe?  What role does it play on the mankind?

Unified Field is an ocean of existence, it is a dynamic field of intelligence; deeper you go more dynamic it becomes. It Reverberates among itself, the bubbles called super strings, miniature rubber band. Different vibrational elements of Unified Field are electrons, protons, quarks. It is a field of intelligence; a unified law of source governing the whole of universe; a concentrated field of intelligence in nature.

It allows us the opportunity to make the universe understandable and predictable. A unified source of diverse laws of nature.

Unified Field is dynamic and non material, a field of pure abstract existence (amrit), it's self interacting, self aware.

Unlike light and electromagnetic field, they are just not self aware, but Unified Field interact with each other, they're aware of each others existence which leads to a sequential emergence stage by stage. Field of pure light which doesn't require any medium, they know where to go how to reach, a state of Pure Consciousness.

In meditative state one can witness this pure consciousness the "Turia" state Samadhi.

Meditation and Yoga are unified state of consciousness.

What is Veda?

The fundamental level of nature law, the deepest law of nature governing the universe, it evolves from unified state of consciousness, purest of the pure energy.

What comes out of Unified Field?

Universe comes out of Unified Field:

What constitutes Unified Field?

  • Ocean of silence at core. Shiva the base the adhaar.
  • Dynamic at surface of ocean. Shakti the mother; the nature at its purest form-- the unbounded seeds of intelligence and pure creativity.

In Vedas it is SHIVA absolute silence, the base of nature and absolute purity. Ever changing is SHAKTI the dynamism of nature. In physics it has shape and geometry. The rubber band of superstring theory lives in 10 dimension. Unified Field is beyond planck's space of physics.

·         Meditation, Yoga, Aryuveda, Yajna and Veda's are all unified field based technologies.

·         The three subtle forms of mind are:

1 Vaikhari ( Articulated thought)

2 Madhyma ( Abstract thought)

3 Pashyanti ( Deeper fine feelings)

All are evolutions from Unified Field.

Meditation the purest form of energy helps to raise our consciousness; the higher consciousness of Unified Field merges with our consciousness and thus brings metamorphism change in ones life.

Do we need to always sit while doing meditation

No, not necessarily. What you need to be is aware of yourself, with your consciousness, aware of your self belonging.


Some pioneer methods of meditation

1.     Performing Yoga

Every subtle posture of yoga is a wisdom. All the stills and postures program your mind and help you make yourself aware; be in the present-- focus on your breath while you hold yourself in yoga posture. These postures download wisdom into ourselves from cosmic cloud. When you hold your yoga posture you simply control your breath and be mindful. Focus is to hold the position as much as we can comfortably and release the posture slowly and comfortably and mindfully. Henceforth, the yoga postures help us to be in meditative state; make us feel the oneness –- the self awareness with our breath.

Here you’re not sitting ideal but holding your breath watching your each breath noise very minutely-- mindful meditation.

A silent leisure walk and being in self ware state of emotion is another form of meditation. So being aware— is just not creating a distance from body and mind. Being aware is beyond this phenomenon and has multiple facets.

2.     Meditate with your favourite music or with dance mudras

Every dance mudras are aesthetic mindful meditation. Every dance mudra present a deep focused mindful postures morphed during a performance by a dancer.

Similarly mindful  meditation on instrumental music like Carnatic music or shastriya sangeet is also a profound form of meditation. Meditating on vocal music can be another way.

Enjoy your favourite music with a headphone; light soft music. I’d meditated several years over the voice of Mohd Rafi  and S. D Burman. Fell the touch through preludes  and interludes from subconscious mind (with intent thought). Let loose yourself and be what you’re.

3.    Be With The Nature-- Attitude Of Gratitude

Another form of Meditation is: Look at the sky. Formation of clouds. Witness the weather. Light of the day. Unconditional love to the nature. Bless nature. Bless everyone you meet by your sheer presence through your eyes, your emotions ; your thought; your breath.

4.    Talk Less And Act Effectively

Try to be articulate with only meaningful words (Remember loose coins make noise. rupee notes never make noise).

Pooh Pooh electronic devices, gadgets and social media. Focus mindfully on your presence, introspect yourself regularly. Stay away from digital friends and surroundings. Find and develop effective tools to develop good habits-- Every day in every way become better and better. Volunteer to help your near and dear ones by being humble and polite. Listen and understand the problem of your near and dear ones and humbly donate your effort and services unconditionally.

5.     Slow down the Pace of your Life Style

Enjoy every little moment of your life with your family; cherish each bite, every meal, every flavour, and every moment with your family. Be in present a meditative state. Focus on your every thoughts and every perception, your own behaviour, even on your way talking and meeting with loved ones.

Spend and donate time with animals and nature. Communicate with nature, nature responds. This is another form of meditative state.


How do mantras influence meditation

Mantras are celestial sound with very high positive vibrations. And when you meditate with reciting mantras it adds power of sound; this very act influence the atoms wherever your consciousness focus. With this very act you can change the atomic configurations present in accordance to life.

In Shambhavi dhyaan we invoke the power of Sun and with the help of beej mantra we can heal specific organ, by directing cosmic energy to specific circumstances, situation, relation, house healing, etc. Even we can change the atomic configuration of any seed.

Role of Breath in Meditation

·         Breathing Techniques


Your breath infuses fountain of youth. Right breathing techniques powerfully navigates through all five bodies. Breath influences emotions which in turn influences endocrine system. Your breath controls your emotions; and healthy emotions give rise to healthy body.

Breathing pattern also help to detoxify the nadis; help to release the karmic impressions stored in our nadis which in turn releases the negativity of our chakras. No shallow breathing, always practice deep breathing.

Effective breathing techniques influence both the quality and effectiveness of meditation.

Different breathing patterns can be followed to improve your vibration

·         Practice 4:4 breathing pattern (inhale counting 1 to 4 and then exhale counting 1 to 4). Once you master it, you can increase the count.


·         Inhale reciting "Om" now hold the breath recite "namah" then exhale reciting "shivay".


·         Inhale and watch your breath traversing from mooladhar to manipur to anahat to sahastratha chakras. While exhaling reverse the breath transition.


·         Inhale as if taking breath from the Sun to your sahastratha chakra, from shastratha to anahat and then exhale as if you're surrendering all your five elements to the nature.


·         Alternate form of Breathing Meditation


Close your eyes sit straight, you may lie down and relax. Now start breathing.

With each breath connect within yourself. Take deep breath; your breath should be continuous; no space between inhaling and exhaling.

Try and listen the sound of your breath.

Now consider the feeling you're not breathing air.. you're breathing energy. Air in it self is energy.

Inhaling energy.

Exhaling energy.

Let yourself be filled.

Be aware of your thoughts and perceptions.

Deep continuous and sound of your breath.

At certain point of time you start feeling as vibrations as frequency.

The most beautiful part of the experience is "Oneness".

A t this juncture you're no man no woman just a vibration feeling light as if you're absorbed in that environment and no restriction; when there is just energy just the vibrations.


How To Combine Mind, Breath and Mantra In Meditation

 Learn the art of tapping energy, power and consciousness from nature. The foremost source is Sun god. Unification with the dietie, mantra and mindfulness; we consume the power, energy and consciousness of dietie.

Purification of all five elements takes place and gradually all physical powers are unfolded within us. Our potential is unfolded. The process of becoming finite to infinite is enhanced.

In nature Sun is considered to be the most powerful element. Sun is known to be life giving characteristics. Plant needs water and solar energy. Solar energy gives nourishment. Tapping of solar energy gives us total nourishment. We need to download the mineral, nutrients, vitamins from solar energy. Receive the solar energy and create the required. Combining solar energy, mantra with mindfulness enhances and increase our vibration. It helps to receive and consume the power and consciousness of dietie.

This is done through shambhavi meditation. It transmutes all the darker energy into light.

Experience Using Breathing Techniques

All the above techniques might infuse different experience. When i say “might infuse” it is simply because if i say close your eyes and feel the Sun. Now Sun is a global entity but still the color of Sun to you may be different than to mine. Size of the Sun might be different for me, and warmth of the Sun may sound different to you than me.

But one thing is by far true : you would feel the momentum in your energy; the vital surge in your energy factor which would enhance your skill. You would start feeling lighter,  healthy but not vulnerable. You’ll witness the augment of self healing power.

Benefits of Meditation

  • Meditation changes the flow of blood, changes heart beat, the breath, the nervous system, and all our emotions. Its like connecting with the energy of gratitude, connecting with packets of energy.

  • In meditative state we're breathing from every single cell, as if flow of energy packets from each cell; and while breathing unraveling and unlocking the hidden mysteries of DNA. It helps to Reprogram our DNA. 97% DNA is inactive and body consciousness lying in dormant form.

  • It helps to break the limits. The comfort zone.

  • It helps to rise from body consciousness to higher consciousness.

  • Its a technology of manifestation.

  • It helps in what we're searching for “happiness” in terms of relation, materialization in world, money, etc.

  • A science in which mind is at Vaikhari Articulated thought. Madhyama Abstract thought. Pashyanti Deep fine feeling.

  • A science which helps in manifestation at atomic level. It teach us about the protocols to convert those atomic configurations present in the ether into the configuration of matter.

  • It helps in the manifestation at Quantum level. Universe is a fertile land. Whatever you sow, so shall you reap. Creation or manifestation is a 4 or more dimension story.

  • When every cell is regenerating after three months, still why disease occur. In every regeneration, healthy cells should form. But we know it doesn't happen. Because we heal only physical body and not the etheric body. Meditation and dhyaan sadhna helps in healing etheric body. It heals pranamaya kosh ; the prana shareer, 72 lakh nadis.

  • Activates body chakras. Just as physical body has veins, blood cells -- etheric body has energy meridians where the cosmic energy regularly flows.

  • Activates Pituatory Glands. During meditation when we reach turia state, the samadhi we secrete valium from inside Diazepam - Wikipedia . It is a “Bio Molecule “ . Synthetic valium is dangerous, but natural genetically generated valium gives healing effect. Act as a tranquillizer. It secretes from pinneal gland.

  • Making you emotionally strong -- whatever emotions we're emitting; vibrations which are stored in chakra and petals are in the form of energy.

  • Infuses rythm in our breath. Maintains rythm of breath. It connects your rythm with rythm of universe. A state of rythmic breath and rythmic consciousness. “ Prosperity and Abundance”.

I salute you and salute the very divine within you.

Image Source: Canva

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