The Science of Aura
The three basic constituents of the human energy system are:
- The electromagnetic field around the body — Your aura. This contains magnetic fields as well as electric fields.
- Meridian Points — Conjunction points of 72 lakh nadis.
- Chakras — The Energy Reservoirs or magnetic energy receivers. They’re in constant quantum communication with the cosmic world.
Electromagnetic shield —- The Aura
- It is not a physical entity with a definite position and velocity.
- It is a pattern that does travel in the quantum world and can reach out to other energies knowingly and unknowingly. In fact, the aura is a field; and fields are real as per Quantum Field Theory as well as Mathematics.
- It is continuous and doesn’t require any medium.
- Change in the electric field produces a change in the magnetic field as described and invented by James Clerk Maxwell in his famous Maxwell Equations. In our aura, the magnetic field is female energy and an electric field is male energy and they both are inseparable.
- Female energy is the energy carrier in our electromagnetic shield. Female energy is receiving energy. It downloads wisdom, creativity, power from the cosmic world into our own body in lower chakras. And makes the aura strong and powerful.
- Chakras are intricately connected to our endocrine system.
- Each chakra is in its own realm a dimension.
- Each chakra has its own consciousness and governs specific organs and glands of the body within the realm of the endocrine system.
For E.g Swadishthan Chakra governs the genital organs. Manipur Chakra (solar plexus) governs our digestive system, kidneys. The throat chakra governs Thyroid.
Chakras are the reservoirs of energy, stored in our Prana Shareer. They're located at the very intersection of two nadis: Ida and Pingala nadi. These two nadis intersect at each chakra of our prana shareer. All the psychic emotions of our all the past life karmas are stored in these chakras as well as within Ida and Pingla nadis. These impressions are stored in our chakra, which is what we call “sanskara”. These are all past life impressions, either good, bad, or worse. These chakras in turn are connected to 72 lakh nadis.
The left part of every human is female energy — the Yin; governed by Ida nadi. Moon resembles Ida nadi.
The right part of a human body is male energy — the Yang; governed by Pingala nadi. Sun resembles Pingala nadi
Whatever emotions we're emitting; they are all in the form of energy. This energy gets stored in chakras and in petals. It is stored in the higher body which we've communicated in our chakras by way of traumatic incidence or impressions and it gets carried from all our past lives.
There are 7 different chakra's in the human body, which have different roles embodied within it. These chakras are not visible from naked eyes.
But through Kirlian photography, now it is apparent that we can photographically see the chakra energies. Though this technology is rare in India.
Kirlian and his wife believed that their images showed a life force energy field that apparently reflects the living and emotional living states.
We have Seven Elements within our body :
1. Earth element prithvi tattav — Mooladhar Chakra
2. Water element jal tattav — Swadisthan Chakra
3.Fire element agni tattav — Manipur Chakra
4.Air element vayuu tattav — Anahat Chakra
5.Sky element akaash tattav — Vishudhi Chakra
6.Guru element guru tattav — Ajya Chakra
7.Shiv element param tattav. — Sahastratha Chakra
Affect of impure elements on our body :
If the earth element becomes impure; all the diseases related to bones occur in the body.
If water element becomes impure; disease related to kidney, urinary organs, reproductive organs take place.
If fire element becomes impure; digestion problem, stomach problem, liver, and diabetes take place.
If air element becomes impure; it leads to heart problems, breathing trouble.
If the sky element becomes impure; it leads to mind contamination, schizophrenia, confusion.
The sixth element is Guru tattva situated in Ajna chakra between the two eyebrows.
The seventh element is present in sahastratha chakra between the two brains.
We can follow few steps to purify our aura (one or all)
- Chakra Activation
- Element purification (tattva purification)
- Five body purification
- Behavioral Practice
Meditation gives a new meaning to the aura —it helps to purify your aura
Meditation helps to awaken and strengthen our chakras. Chakra meditation is a very powerful tool to awaken our chakra system. Chakras are energy receivers —- they’re in constant quantum communication with cosmic energy.
When chakras are awakened and activated they start attracting strong magnetic and electric waves from the cosmic world. These electromagnetic waves carry intense information which needs to be downloaded and decoded. This cosmic intelligence is the source of success.
Female energy the central creative force which are in the lower chakras are the energy carriers; which start downloading wisdom, creativity, power from the cosmic world into your own body in lower chakras.
As a result, our aura — the electromagnetic shield around the body starts vibrating at a higher frequency. When our energy — the electromagnetic shield dance in the outer world they attract higher energy which results in the materialization of physical matter. In this way, our life becomes more easy and successful.
When chakras are awakened :
- Female energy within you is activated.
- Female energy embodies creativity, divine energy.
- Female energy downloads divinity into the physical body.
- Female energy mostly resides in lower chakras.
Having said that, in order to awaken the chakras we also have the need to work on the facets to activate the female energy of our system.
Let's take the example to strengthen Swadhisthan Chakra.
Swadhisthan Chakra
Governs creativity and sexual energy.
Location: Four fingers below the navel
Controls: Well Being, pleasure, sex
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Mantra: Wam
Deities: Shakini
No Of Petals: Six
If water element becomes impure; disease related to kidney, urinary organs, reproductive organs take place.
Actionable tips to balance Swadishthan chakra
- We can provide unconditional love, attention, care, empathy to chakras by bringing our consciousness to each chakra for few minutes. This is a very handy tool to awaken our chakras. This can be done by closing the eyes sitting in sukha asana and just visualizing each chakra with its petals; if possible we can visualize the colors of each chakra. Sheer bringing the consciousness over a chakra makes the petals tinkle and start activating. Consider each petal as a sub-entity of the chakra’s consciousness.
- Moon resembles water and female energy. Moon meditation is a powerful tool to strengthen Swadishthan Chakra, which activates female energy within Swadhishthan chakra. Female energy is the energy carrier of chakras.
- While meditating on Swadhishthan chakra feel the water, color of the water, movement of the current of water, the fragrance of water, the current of the tides, voice of the current of the water, etc. All these visualizations will be an individual thought pattern. E.g. You might see the color of water green, some other might see the color mixed with mud. This visualization will be purely on the consciousness of an individual.
- If possible practice “tri bandh mudra” — mool bandh + udayaan bandh + jallandhar bandh. Bandha (yoga) - Wikipedia This will help to energize and activate the lower chakras.
There are some strong behavioral practice which helps to activate our electromagnetic shield — the aura
Follow The Fundamental Behaviour Within Yourself :
- No judging. (Activate Heart Chakra)
- Dissolve grudges. (Activate Manipur Chakra)
- Be honest and kind.
- Every day in every way you should get better and better.
- Shower Unconditional love. (Activate Heart Chakra)
- Grant respect.
- Whatever you seek, give it in abundance to others. E.g if you seek respect in society then respect everyone irrespective of caste, creed, gender. (Activate Ajna Chakra)
- Accept people the way they are.
- Charity begins at home, so start all the fundamental rules in your family first.
- Always introspect yourself.
- Value the importance of your time as well as of others.
- Be kind and caring to nature and animals. (Activate Ajna Chakra)
- Always willing to help others.
- Run for excellence, do not compete with others.
- Body related activities such as dancing, marching, jumping, and earthing help to activate the root chakra
Apart from this, five important factors also play a considerable impact and role in enhancing our vibration which in turn help to raise our consciousness, our vibrations, and in turn, makes the aura strong.
Five factors affecting events of your life and your aura:
- Food
- People
- Place
- Time
- And our own karmic baggage
Affect of five elements over five bodies:
Ananadmaya kosh has only akaash element.
Gyaanmaya kosh has akaash and air element.
Manomaya kosh has akaash, air, fire element.
Praanmaya kosh has akaash, air, fire and water element.
Annamaya kosh has all five elements.
So, as we go on practicing meditation, yoga, and pranic kriyaas and follow the path to increase our consciousness; we’re able to break the boundaries of each of our bodies and be on the successful path in dissolving each element with one body and in the end only one body remaining; anandmaya kosh the bliss sheath with one element sky element.
Complete enlightenment. Self Realisation. The journey from finite to infinite.
Hope it helps!
I salute you and salute the very divine within you.
Image Source: Canva