A collection of all the prevalent sound or hymns present in different dimensions. All the mantras consists of the prevalent sound present in different dimensions.
Mantras are a collection of sacred seed which when repeatedly chanted gets embedded in our consciousness. The plant which comes out of the seed of mantras is "I can do it". "I've the courage to win". The plant which brings fruits of joy, health, wealth, healthy relation.
Mantras are a group of sacred words in sanskrit language believed to reap religious, magical power or spiritual powers in and around the environment.
Another prevalent definition of mantra is — it is a bunch of sacred and purest of the pure flowers which we offer in the name and praise of a special dietie by rendering the very mantra. E.g Gayatri mantra, Lord Ganesha mantra, Durga beej mantra, Hanumaan chalisa.
There're two types of mantras
Tantrok mantras
Vedic mantras
Both these mantras are locked by our ancient rishi's. You need to know
the unlocking method, or a self realised guru who can only provide the active
mantra to you.
Sabar mantras
This is a very powerful mantra and not locked even.
What is Sabar mantra
Repeatedly the message we give to our inner self; the message we
resonate in our own universe through our thoughts is also a mantra called Sabar
One of the powerful Sabar mantra is
I accept myself ....(the way I am).
I forgive myself ....
I love myself unconditionally .....
Feeling of guilt is poisonous, we often suffer because of having guilt
feeling. If it is guilt feeling subconsciously a person seek punishment.
All mantras are formed from 32 varna mala and 16 matryaen. They're the
atoms ; beej of the mantras. The same words we use in our daily sentence, hence
our sentence are formed from atoms of 32 varna mala and 16 matryaen which is
also powerful. And when we combine intent emotions into it, it become sabar
There are three subtle states of any
matter or substance
Yog : The atomic configuration or a healthy
Naad: The Sound.
Jyotirmaya : The Light.
Our physical body converts to yog body by doing yoga or by praan kriyas.
Yog body then converts to naad body.
Naad body coverts to Jyotirmaya.
The Light.
3% life giving constructive micro organisms are
available in nature.
97% are in dormant form.
This equation is applicable to the soil too.
Destructive micro organism increases
or develops where life force energy decreases; and constructive micro organisms
increases where life force energy increases.
So if x% of life giving micro
organism decreases this implies x% of destructive micro organism increases to
make the equilibrium balance. On the contrary, if x% of life giving micro
organisms increases this implies x% of destructive micro organism decreases.
Sun is continously producing sound – similar to the sound of Om. (Even
NASSA has confirmed this).
What happens when we chant mantras
When we perform beej mantra chanting all the destructive energy goes to
dormant form and life giving energies start activating. Initially all mantras
are just a series of words; however, once we practice it for longer time it
gets embedded in our subconscious mind; and it converts to naad. This science is based
on Quantum Physics and Life Sciences.
Chanting of mantra helps to increase :
- The percentage of 3% life giving constructive
micro organisms available in nature.
And as the constructive micro organism increases ; with the law of
- The same percentage of destructive micro organism decreases.
How does mantras
Constantly rendering mantra inside subconscious mind -- we can convert
the atomic configuration to naad. This is one way of healing a disease or any
of mantras convert the atomic configuration present in the ether into
the configuration of matter – a reality. Mantras are tool for manifestation.
all have five bodies. Our body is a community of 55 trillion cells. Every cell
has its own memory and mind power – intra cellular mind.
subtle body of ours is more powerful than the gross body. Etheric or prana body
is more powerful than gross body. Aestral body is more powerful than prana
body lives in three dimension. Laws of third dimension are :
Space and Time.
help to transcend and increase the vibrations of our four bodies beyond three
maya kosh, manomaya kosh and gyaanmaya
kosh vibrate at fourth dimension and above. These Vibrational bodies live in
higher dimension. Science have found that we have 10 dimensions and Super
String Theory support the facts. Purer the consciousness higher the vibrational
body and vibrational body give birth to energy which converts into reality. Our
body stay and connected to higher dimension where communication is done in
pashyanti (parawaani).
of powerful mantras increases the vibrations of pranamaya kosh, manomaya kosh
and gyaanmaya kosh; once the vibrations of these subtle bodies increases which
are vibrating in higher dimension it helps to covert the atomic configuration
into reality.
and reciting of mantras consciously – it act as a catalyst in raising the
vibrations from mooladhaar to sahastratha chakra. As the energy or vibrations
rises from lower chakra moving towards sahastratha; consciousness rises. All
the five elements of the body is purified,not only the five elements all the
five bodies start vibrating at higher vibrations.
the vibrations increases, energy increases and henceforth consciousness rises.
Combining mind,
breath and mantras
Learn the art of tapping energy, power and consciousness from nature.
The foremost source is Sun god. Unification with the dietie, mantra and mindfulness;
we consume the power, energy and consciousness of dietie.
Purification of all five elements takes place and gradually all physical
powers are unfolded within us. Our potential is unfolded. The process of
becoming finite to infinite is enhanced.
In nature Sun is considered to be the most powerful element. Sun is
known to be life giving characteristics. Plant needs water and solar energy.
Solar energy gives nourishment. Tapping of solar energy gives us total
nourishment. We need to download the mineral, nutrients, vitamins from solar
energy. Receive the solar energy and create the required. Combining solar
energy, mantra with mindfulness enhances and increase our vibration. It helps
to receive and consume the power and consciousness of dietie.
This is done through Shambhavi Meditation. It transmutes all the darker
energy into light.
Power of Mantras at
Quantum Level
we give to others it come back to us. Help people to achieve what they want.
Whatever you sow, so shall you reap. Universe is a very fertile land; if you
seek cooperation cooperate with others. If you seek respect give respect.
Whatever we seek or create is a fourth dimension story where gravity, space and
time seize to exist.
I salute you and salute the very divine within
Image Source: Canva