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What Is Self Realization

Self Realization 

Our Immortals have taught us; life has two facets. Two types of transactions being executed: They’re in

  • Physical Form or
  • Subtle Form

Physical Form: The facet which we see physically from our eyes. The Physical Transaction.

E.g. A student is sitting in front of a teacher and studying. We can witness with our naked eyes.

Subtle Form : The facet which we’re unable to witness from our naked eye; and henceforth, majority of us don’t believe on it. We keep on pooh pooh such subtle transactions.

All physical facets are just 1%; it is not reality. In true sense whatever is happening is invisible to our eyes and science supports such facts.

Why subtle transactions not visible ?

Simply because it’s an aestral transaction. Exchange of energy executing which we cannot see.

There is no scientific apparatus yet invented to measure such transactions though.

What happens when a sadhak sit in front of his guru ?

1. Exchange of energy takes place.

2. Activation of junk DNA in sadhak’s body. Cellular Regeneration.

A transformation within the five bodies of sadhak similar to the transformation within a seed when a seed is germinated within the soil.

Guru spray some divine seeds in our aura our consciousness which we call as shaktipatra or deeksha.

Something received by sadhak from his guru. But, whatever received is still not fully activated. Few carry the seed with them and return back to their normal lifestyle without even realizing the monumental importance of the seed. They don’t give due attention to the seed. Unaware of the germination of the seed primarily because the transaction is not physical; we can’t witness the germination from our naked eye.

The seed seek utmost care, respect, due attention, hard work.

What will happen if we don’t provide sufficient water, nutrients, manure, sufficient sun light, due attention to a germinating seed ?

Higher probability; the seed won’t grow. Or the seed would die and a bird will eat the seed.

Maximum probability the seed will die; only 1% probability the seed might grow into a tree.

But, few do take care of the seed. They provide sufficient nutrients, manure, water to the seed sufficiently so that the seed germinate to a small plant and finally becomes a tree.

Once the tree is evolved it would provide fruits.

This fruit is what we call as Self Realization.

Henceforth, the journey is so very important for every sadhak to attain self realization.

Once this journey is attained you’re not you’re.

This we can’t learn in one day. As the consciousness rises atma the soul finally merge with the supreme consciousness.

And finally ! Shivo hum Shivo hum. I’m that I’m.

There are two ways to attain self realization

  1. By the tapp or sacrifice of a saint
  2. By sheer bhakti. In bhakti you need to surrender to your guru, god or eeshata.

I salute you and salute the very divine within you.

Image Source: Canva

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