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Which are the best natural supplements for focus, clarity, and energy to improve meditation

The three best natural supplements to improve meditation are:

  1. Cosmic Energy
  2. Water— the elixir of life
  3. Natural Vegetation

Incidentally, all the three supplements are co-related to each other.

Cosmic energy along with water helps to produce natural vegetation. Natural vegetation along with cosmic energy brings rain. Nature has well versed knitted our universe.

Learn the art of tapping energy, power, and consciousness from nature. In nature, Sun is considered to be the most powerful element. Sun is known to be life-giving characteristics— cosmic energy. The plant needs water and solar energy. Solar energy gives nourishment.

The tapping of solar energy gives us total nourishment. We need to download the mineral, nutrients, vitamins from solar energy. Receive the solar energy and create the required. Combining solar energy, mantra with mindfulness enhances and increases our vibration. It helps to receive and consume the power and consciousness of deities.

The cells which are regenerated are not guided by DNA, they receive signals from higher consciousness. Atomic configuration is deciding whether to regenerate a healthy cell or a diseased cell. The signals from cosmic consciousness are guiding subatomic particles.

Once we unite with the power of nature; we consume the power, energy, and consciousness of nature. Purification of all the five elements takes place and gradually all potential powers are unfolded within us.

We’re not just a body; rather we’re a community of 55 trillion cells with each cell having its own memory.

Water the elixir of life; has memory too— past and future. And our body constitutes 70% water. Each of our cells has memory and they contain past traumas, baggage — past-life impressions. What we need to do is to heal these traumas and past impressions.

One way to heal we can do is to create movement and vibrations within our cellular system. Drinking sufficient natural water detoxifies our cellular system.

Apart from these three aspects, five other factors which affect the quality of your meditation significantly are:

  • Food

Until we take food, it's a separate chunk of consciousness, as soon as we consume the food, it gets merged into our consciousness. All the three gunas tamas, rajat, and sata and all the three doshas Vata, Pitt, Cough (as per Ayurveda) of food get merge in our consciousness. This is why Satvik food and not junk food are advised to be taken.

  • People

All living beings are energy balls. If two energy balls come in close vicinity, then an exchange of energy takes place. We try and maintain a respected physical distance between two humans, but are we aware that our subtle body does touch each other substantially and there, without even knowing exchange of energy takes place.

This is the reason why we experience happiness with someone and sorrow with others. It’s just not physical proximity that affects the exchange of energy process.

  • Place

The energy of New York and New Delhi is different. The consciousness of a place is well defined by the work happening there, the quality and kind of people living there. This is a crude example of “collective consciousness”

  • Time

Daytime has a different impact on the human mind, compared to evening or dawn. Even year and month has different impact over human consciousness. Early morning has a different impact, we experience a sudden drop of energy after sunset. Time has a significant role in developing our individual consciousness.

  • Personal Karma

Individual karma plays a significant role in giving consciousness a shape. From past various lives, we’ve been accumulating our karmic baggage.

I salute you and salute the very divine within you

Image Source: Canva

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