Energy Reservoirs
What we're as a physical body is just a tip of the iceberg. We're not this body, this body is mine. I'm not this body, the body is mine
Every human is not single, we're a
community of 55 trillion cells. Every cell has the mind of its own with 8GB of
memory, so 55 trillion mind is working within this body.
And above all, we've five bodies.
Our Five bodies are :
- Gross body the physical body
- Prana Shareer
- Mann Shareer
- Karma Shareer
- Anand Shareer the bliss sheath
What Are Chakras
We all emit vibrations or energy. Just as physical body has veins, blood cells, nerves, etc etheric body has energy meridians where the cosmic energy continuously flow. These energy meridians are called chakras.
Healthy person emits frequency of 62.7 Hz frequency, if a person is suffering from flew, the frequency goes down, if the person is suffering from higher disease the frequency goes further down.
Chakras are the reservoirs of energy, stored in our
Prana Shareer. They're located at the very intersection of two nadis: Ida and
Pingala nadi. These two nadis intersect at each chakra of our prana shareer.
All the psychic emotions of our all the past life karmas are stored in these
chakras as well as within Ida and Paingla nadis. These impressions are stored
in our chakra, which is what we call it as “sanskara”. These are all past life
impressions, either good, bad or worse. These chakras in turn are connected to
72 lakh nadis.
Left part of every human is female
energy the Yin; governed by Ida nadi. Moon resembles Ida nadi.
Right part of a human body is male
energy the Yang; governed by Pingala nadi. Sun resembles Pingala nadi
Whatever emotions we're emitting; they
are all in the form of energy. These energy get stored in chakras and in
petals. It is stored in higher body which we've communicated in our chakras by
way of traumatic incidence and it gets carried from all our past lives.
There are 7 different chakra's in human body, which
has different roles embodied within it. These chakras are not visible from
naked eyes.
But through Kirlian photography, now it is apparent
that we can photographically see the chakra energies.
Kirlian and his wife believed that their images
showed a life force energy field that apparently reflects the living and
emotional living states.
When our mind, body and soul is
alligned, these Chakra's can be charged by downloading cosmic energy from the
nature. The charging process is subtle, it can be understood with an analogy.
We daily charge our cell phones, connecting the
chord with electric current. Similarly, we need to daily charge our five body
constituents, by passing cosmic energy of nature, by doing asanas, pranayaam
and meditation; getting connected to cosmic source.
Characteristics & Constituents of Seven Chakras
Mooladhar Chakra
The root chakra; core foundation of
human body. Resides at the bottom of spinal chord. it is the foundation of all chakras embodies for safety,survival and grounding. It get developed inside mother's womb. It relates to group, country, family and gender. Past life karma is stored in root chakra, all the unresolved issues are stored in this chakra.
Location : Tailbone bottom of
spinal chord
Controls : Basic Survival Food, shelter, sex
Color : Red
Element : Earth
Mantra : Lum
Dieties : Dakini
No Of Petals : Four
Swadhisthan Chakra
Governs creativity and sexual energy.
Location : Four finger below
Controls : Well Being, pleasure, sex
Color : Orange
Element : Water
Mantra : Wam
Dieties : Shakini
No Of Petals : Six
Manipur Chakra
Location : Situated in navel
Controls : Self Confidence, self esteem
Color : Yellow
Element : Fire
Mantra : Rum
Dieties : Lakini
No Of Petals : Ten
Anahat or Heart Chakra
It is considered as bridge between
lower chakras and upper chakras. Lower chakras resembles physical attachment (materialistic)
and upper chakras resemble associated with spirituality.
Location : Centre of heart
Controls : Love and joy
Color : Green
Element : Air
Mantra : Yam
Dieties : Kakhini
No Of Petals : Twelve
Vishudhi Chakra
Symbolise power of expression.
Location : Throat
Controls : Self Expression
Color : Light Blue
Element : Akaash
Mantra : Hum
Dieties : Sakini
No Of Petals : Sixteen
Ajna Chakra
Third eye symbolize guru tattva.
Location : Between two eyes
Controls : Wisdom
Color : Dark Blue
Element : Light (Guru
Mantra : Aum
Dieties : Hakhini
No Of Petals : Two
Sahastratha Chakra
The crown chakra; symbolise fully
connected to spirituality. When kundalini is awakened, the consciousness from
mooladhar rise above and it and merges with shiva in sahastratha.
Location : Between two brains
Controls : Spiritualty
Color : Violet
Element : Supreme
Mantra : Aum
Dieties : Lalitamba
No Of Petals : One thousand
Petals of all chakra are like sub set
. All the past life karmas and impressions are stored or embedded in these
chakras. These impressions gets triggered by our thoughts and then we witness
We all have Five Bodies, Seven
Chakras and Seven Elements
Our ancient Vedas suggest, always be
in a Yogic state and inhale cosmic energy. When we inhale cosmic energy it
purifies all the elements of our body. And when we're able to purify all the
elements of our body ; we can manifest our goals in life ; and life become
simple. On the contrary, if all or one elements become impure then disease
occur; which is disturbance in ease.
Seven Elements within our body :
1. Earth element prithvi tattav
2. Water element jal tattav
If water element becomes impure;
disease related to kidney, urinary organs, reproductive organs take place.
If fire element becomes impure;
digestion problem, stomach problem, liver and diabetes take place.
If air element becomes impure ; it
leads to heart problems, breathing trouble.
If sky element becomes impure; it
leads to mind contamination, schizophrenia, confusions.
Sixth element is Guru tattava
situated in ajna chakra between the two eyebrows.
Seventh element is present in
sahastratha chakra between the two brains.
The person having Guru tattava pure
would be able to purify other 5 elements of the body; on the contrary if all
the 5 elements are pure and Guru tattava is impure then sooner or later other 5
elements of the person is bound to get impure.
Purification of Param tattava and
Guru tattava is utmost important in human life. This is one of the main reason
why we’re born with human body. These two elements act as positive catalyst in
raising our consciousness.
Affects of five elements over five bodies:
Ananadmaya kosh has only akaash element.
Gyaanmaya kosh has akaash and air element.
Manomaya kosh has akaash, air, fire element.
Praanmaya kosh has akaash, air, fire and water element.
Annamaya kosh has all five elements.
So, as we go on practicing
meditation, yoga and praanic kriyaas and follow the path to increase our
consciousness; we’re able to break the boundaries of each our body and be on
the successful path in dissolving each element with one body and in the end
only one body remaining; anandmaya kosh the bliss sheath with one element sky
element. Complete enlightenment. Self Realisation.
How to awaken our Chakras
- Simple Meditation
- Simply gauge on your specific chakra. Similarly you can meditate on your pituitary gland too.
- Visualize the color or petals of the chakra or both.
- Visualize the dietie of the chakra.
- Visualize the fragrance of the chakra.
- Detoxing nadis with pranayaam and prana kriyas
We can detox our Ida and Pingla nadis. As we detox these two nadis, we burn our karmic layers and the negative energy of chakras get released. The petals of each chakra start vibrating at a higher frequency; they are in the process of activation; radiating higher energy. Each petals of chakras are awakened by rendering mantra with higher frequency, the vibrations and celestial sound of mantras activate each petals of chakra.
Following pranayaams to detox our nadis.
- Kapaal Bhatiya.
- Anuloom Vilom.
- Bhastrika.
- Surya bhedi.
- Ujjayi.
Few basic Yoga postures to be practiced would be :
- Vrikshasana.
- Tadasana.
- Adho Mukh Svanasana. (downward facing dog pose)
- Trikonasana.
- Bhujangasana.
- Paschimottanasana.
- Kundalini Meditation
- Breathing Techniques
Breathing pattern also help to detoxify the nadis; help to release the karmic impressions stored in our nadis which in turn release the negativity of our chakras. Since all chakras as located at the junctions of ida, pingla and shushumna nadi. While deep breathing our consciousness switch from mind into our body.
No shallow breathing, always
practice deep breathing.
Different breathing patterns can be followed to improve your vibration
- Practice 4:4 breathing pattern (inhale counting 1 to 4 and then exhale counting 1 to 4).
- Inhale reciting "Om" now hold the breath recite "namah" then exhale reciting "shivay".
- Inhale and watch your breath traversing from mooladhar to manipur to anahat to sahastratha chakras. While exhaling reverse the breath transition.
- Inhale as if taking breath from the Sun to your sahastratha chakra, from shastratha to anahat and then exhale as if you're surrendering all your five elements to the nature.
- Another form of Meditation
- Behavioural Practice
Follow The Fundamental Behaviour Within Yourself :
- No judging. (Activate Heart Chakra)
- Dissolve grudges. (Activate Manipur Chakra)
- Be honest and kind.
- Every day in every way you should get better and better.
- Shower Unconditional love. (Activate Heart Chakra)
- Grant respect.
- Whatever you seek, give it in abundance to others. E.g if you seek respect in society then respect everyone irrespective to caste,creed,gender. (Activate Ajna Chakra)
- Accept people the way they are.
- Charity begins at home, so start all the fundamental rules in your family first.
- Always introspect yourself.
- Value the importance of your time as well of others.
- Be kind and caring to nature and animals. (Activate Ajna Chakra)
- Always willing to help others.
- Run for excellence, do not compete with others.
- Body related activities such as dancing, marching, jumping and earthing help to activate root chakra
Apart from this, five important factors
also play a considerable impact and role in enhancing our vibration which in turn help raising our consciousness. Following five factors predominantly impact our chakras and their active status.
Five factors affecting events of your life:
- Food
- People
- Place
- Time
- And our own karmic baggage
The universe is made up of consciousness, from the same consciousness there're five predominant factors which affects on you as our individual consciousness. All the incidents in our life take place within all the permutations and combinations of these five factors.
- Food ( Jaisa Ann waisa Mann )
Until we take food, its separate chunk of consciousness, as soon as we consume the food, it gets merge in our consciousness. All the three gunas tamas, rajat,sata and all the three doshas vatt, pitt, cough of food gets merge in our consciousness. This is why Satvik food are advised to be taken. Poo Pooed Packed foods and drinks.
- People
All living beings are energy balls. If two energy balls come in close vicinity, then exchange of energy takes place. We try and maintain a respected physical distance between two humans, but are we aware that our subtle body does touch each other substantially and there, without even knowing exchange of energy takes place.
This is the reason why we experience happiness with someone and sorrow with other. It’s just not physical proximity which affects exchange of energy process.
- Place
Energy of New York and New Delhi is different. The consciousness of a place is well defined by the work happening there, the quality and kind of people living there. This is a crude example of “collective consciousness”
- Time
Day time has different impact over human mind, compared to evening or dawn. Even year and month has different impact over human consciousness. Early morning has different impact, we experience sudden drop of energy after sun set. Time has significant role in developing our individual consciousness.
- Personal Karma
Individual karma plays a significant role in giving consciousness a shape. From past various life, we’ve been accumulating our karmic baggage.
These five factors morphed our consciousness, and in turn act as catalyst in shaping the events in our life. In reality destiny doesn't exist beyond these five factors.
Awakening the chakras increases your
self belonging, your consciousness. It increases your intuitive power, give you
an experience of deep level of tranquility.
I salute you and salute the very divine within you.
Disclaimer: All the above mentioned is based on the teachings and preaching of my Guru His Holiness Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand. Any resemblance of thought with anyone is just a coincidence and unintentional.