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How Do I Start Daily Journaling To Apply Law Of Attraction

Writing a Journal or Golden Book is not a rocket science, but if articulated reasonably good it produce wonders in life.

What is a Journal or Golden Book ?

  • A journal is a ledger where we illuminate three things at night before going to sleep.
  1. What is it you want ? Contemplate fully before writing.
  2. What you will get by attaining your goal ? What would be the change in your life.
  3. What is the price you’re willing to pay for it ? What hard work will you do. How many hours you’ll contribute in achieving the goal.
  • A ledger book debit on one side credit on other side.
  • A daily ledger to pen your thoughts, your emotions in a diary.

Precautions to be taken before writing your journal.

  • Contemplate fully on your blue print before finalizing it.
  • There shouldn’t be any stimulus around you while writing your journal. No Television, no social media, no music. Just you and your smouldering thoughts.
  • This you must do every night.

As your consciousness changes with time you may find that what if you’re trying to seek, the perception towards it might change.

Daily Practice

  • Read your write up daily before going to bed. Live with the emotions before your day end. Whatever you want to manifest, always write those thoughts in “present tense”. Only present is truth, rest is false. When we sleep our subconscious mind provides nutrients to conscious mind, so whatever you write feel the same with strong intent emotions before going to bed. Visualize strongly so that it gets layered in your subconscious mind. Visualize with intent emotions as if you’d already achieved, as if you’re living in the same state which you’d like to achieve.
  • This you must do every night.
  • Now close the book, and meditate. Connect to your each breath inhale and exhale fully and deeply continuously without break. Your deep breath should be continuous. No space in between inhaling and exhaling.
  • Try and listen to the sound of your breath.
  • How does the air the energy look like to you. As water, fluid, air whatever is it to you. Be aware of your thoughts.
  • Now consider the feeling as if you’re not breathing air, rather breathing packets of energy. Shape size color will vary individually. Be aware of your thoughts fully. Deep continuous sound of your breath. At certain point of time you’re just vibrations as frequency. At this very juncture you’re no man, no woman just a vibration feeling light as if you’re absorbed in the environment feeling powerful, energetic. The feeling of ”Oneness”. Just one feeling no restrictions.
  • Where there is just the energy just the vibrations.

 Practice for 21 days continuously.

I salute you and salute the very divine within you.

Pic Source : Canva

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