Why is knowing about the seven chakras & their fundamental tattvas important
In order to answer your query allow me to describe a few other key and profound parameters to let you understand my view on the subject better.
Our ancient Vedas suggest, always be in a Yogic state and inhale cosmic energy. When we inhale cosmic energy, it purifies all the elements of our body. And when we're able to purify all the elements of our body; we can manifest our goals in life, and life becomes simple. On the contrary, if all or one element become impure then disease occurs.
We have seven elements and five bodies.
Chakras are part of the human electromagnetic energy system. Why electromagnetic energy system? Because this very energy system of the human body cannot be found anatomically — it is dancing and oscillation of electric and magnetic fields. It cannot be seen through naked eyes.
For the argument of those who seek scientific perspective:
Scientifically, it resembles Faraday’s imagination of electric charges were linked together by lines of force in empty space. Faraday imagined as if they were mechanical oscillators. So, he might have seen the wave either as longitudinal or transverse waves. Somewhere in the thoughts of Faraday’s vibrations, Maxwell discovered his elegant and polished mathematical equations to electrodynamics.
The three basic constituents of the human electromagnetic energy system are:
- The electromagnetic field around the body — Your aura.
- Meridian Points — Conjunction points of 72 lakh nadiis.
- Chakras — Energy Vortex. Chakra Sanskrit word meaning vortex.
- It is not a physical entity with definite position and velocity.
- It is a pattern that does travel in quantum world and can reach out to other energies knowingly and unknowingly. In fact it is a field; and fields are real as per Quantum Field Theory.
- It is continuous and doesn’t require any medium.
- Change in electric field produce change in magnetic field as described and invented by James Clerk Maxwell in his famous Maxwell Equations. In our aura magnetic field is female energy and electric field is male energy and they both are inseparable.
- Female energy is the energy carrier in our electromagnetic shield. Female energy is a receiving energy. It downloads wisdom, creativity, power from cosmic world into your own body in lower chakras. And makes the aura strong and powerful.
Chakra are located at the very intersection of two nadis — Ida and Pingala nadi. These two nadis intersect at each chakra of our prana shareer. All the psychic emotions of our all the past life karmas are stored in these chakras as well as within Ida and Paingla nadis. These impressions are stored in our chakra, which is what we call it as “Sanskara”. These are all past life impressions or traumas either good, bad or worse. These chakras in turn are connected to 72 lakh nadis.
Chakras are energy system, energy reservoirs. they receive energy from cosmic sources; like when your consciousness is connected to higher esteemed consciousness the chakras tend to download the energy from higher consciousness into our body and act as energy power house.
The left part of every human is female energy the Yin — governed by Ida Nadi. Moon resembles Ida Nadi.
The right part of the human body is male energy the Yang — governed by Pingala Nadi. Sun resembles Pingala Nadi
Whatever emotions we're emitting; they are all in the form of energy. These energies get stored in chakras and in petals. It is stored in the higher body which we've communicated in our chakras by way of traumatic incidence and it gets carried from all our past lives.
We have Five Bodies :
1 Anandmaya kosha the bliss sheath.
2 Gyaanmaya kosha.
3 Manomaya kosha.
4 Praanmays kosha.
5 Annmaya kosha the physical body.
There are Seven Elements within our body :
If earth element becomes impure; all the disease related to bones occur in the body.
If water element becomes impure; disease related to kidney, urinary organs, reproductive organs take place.
If fire element becomes impure; digestion problem, stomach problem, liver and diabetes take place.
If air element becomes impure ; it leads to heart problems, breathing trouble.
If sky element becomes impure; it leads to mind contamination, schizophrenia, confusions.
Sixth element is Guru tatva situated in ajna chakra between the two eyebrows.
Seventh element is present in sahastratha chakra between the two brains.
The person having Guru tattva pure would be able to purify the other 5 elements of the body; on the contrary, if all the 5 elements are pure and Guru tattva is impure then sooner or later other 5 elements of the person is bound to get impure.
Purification of Param tattva and Guru tattva is of utmost importance in human life. This is one of the main reasons why we’re born with the human body. These two elements act as positive catalysts in raising our consciousness.
Affects of five elements over five bodies
- Ananadmaya kosh has only akaash element.
- Gyaanmaya kosh has akaash and air element.
- Manomaya kosh has akaash, air, fire element.
- Praanmaya kosh has akaash, air, fire and water element.
- Annamaya Kosh has all five elements.
So, as we go on practicing meditation, yoga, and pranic kriyas and follow the path to increase our consciousness; we’re able to break the boundaries of each of our bodies and be on the successful path in dissolving each element with one body and in the end only one body remaining; Anandmaya Kosh with one element sky element. Complete enlightenment. Self RealIsation.
Mooladhaar 4 petals (A).
Swadishthaan 6 petals (B).
Manipur 10 petals (C).
Anahat 12 petals (D).
Vishudhi 16 petals (E).
How is 32 varnamala and 16 matrayens related to chakra petals
(A)+(B)+(C)+(D) =32 It represents 32 hindi varnmala 32 alphabets of hindi language.
(E) represents 16 matrayen of hindi varnamala.
Reasons of Blockages in Chakras
- Past life impressions which we carry
- Negative belief system
- The fourth body Gyaanmaya kosha contains all the file contracts with the consciousness; in Vedic language, it is the sanchit karma . The sanskaras. This sanchit karma controls our thought system.
- Unless the karmic layers are released; the contract won’t be canceled.
- Food, people, place, time, and karma are predominant factors affecting our chakras and our endocrine systems.
Impact of blockages on Chakras
Your energy field; the electromagnetic shield is constantly in sync in quantum communication with your own world. Your energy field dance in the outside world and attracts manifestation of the same energy level.
Blockages in chakras dampen the probability of manifestation and create a belief system with a specific energy pattern. This energy pattern malfunctions our thought system and significantly impacts our breathing pattern and our endocrine system.
Consciousness arises from the lower chakra to reach the highest chakra, the Sahasrara chakra to merge with Shiva consciousness.
Awakening the chakras increases your self belonging, your consciousness. It increases your intuitive power, gives you an experience of a deep level of tranquility.
The fundamental use of understanding the chakra system
By understanding the association between the Chakras and their glands as well as the consciousness associated with entire system ; makes you understand how healing can benefit a multitude of illnesses affecting your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.
Chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body but also particular parts of your consciousness. When you feel a tension in your consciousness, you feel it in the Chakra associated with the part of your consciousness experiencing the stress and in the parts of the physical body associated with that Chakra.
When you’re happy with your endocrine system, your energy system is healthy and willing to deliver and attract physical reality for you by using the law of attraction. The Law of Attraction is the natural law of nature. This law works around the human electromagnetic energy system.
The status of our energy system, energy meridians will be the same as of the status of my emotions; in rhythm — in tune with the rhythm of the universe. So the rhythm is responsible for the status of my energy system which in turn responsible for my karmas, which in turn responsible for my ultimate life.
So the need is to understand the basics of our energy system, endocrine system, our chakras, the vibrations of our chakras. the elements of our chakras and our thought patterns.
When we purify the elements of our energy system, it transforms our thoughts, thoughts will produce better actions in your life, which will help you to take more responsibility, accountability, and acceptance. This makes your life easy, successful, and evolving.
Hope it helps!
I salute you and salute the very divine within you.
Image Source: Canva