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Mind Blowing Facts About Meditation


Fact 1 — Meditation originated from Unified Field

There are four layers of universe :

1.Classical World.

2.World of molecules and atoms (Quantum World).

3.Atomic Nucleus/ Sub Nucleus (Quantum Field Theory).

4.Unified Field Theory ( Super String Theory).

Deeper you go, simple the nature becomes.

What is Unified Field ? How does it influence the universe ?

Unified field is an ocean of existence, dynamic field of intelligence and deeper you go more dynamic it becomes. Reverberating itself, the bubbles called super strings, miniature rubber band. Different vibrational field of unified field are electrons, protons, quarks. Its a field of intelligence unified law of source governing the whole of universe, the concentrated field of intelligence in nature.

Unified field is dynamic and non material, a field of pure abstract existence (amrit) , it's self interacting and self aware.

Unlike light and electromagnetic field — they isn't self aware, they won't interact with each other, but Unified field interact with each other, they're are aware of each others existence which leads to sequential emergence stage by stage. Field of pure light which doesn't require any medium, they know where to go how to reach, a state of “pure consciousness “.

In meditative state one can witness this pure consciousness the samadhi. Meditation and Yoga is unified state of consciousness.

What comes out of Unified Field?

Universe comes out of unified field:

  • Ocean of silence at core ( Shiva) the base the adhaar.
  • Dynamic at surface of ocean (Shakti the mother nature at its purest form), the unbounded seeds of intelligence and pure creativity.

Meditation,Yoga, Aryuveda and Veda's are all unified field based technologies.

Fact 2 — Benefits of Meditation

  • Meditation changes the flow of blood, changes heart beat, the breath, the nervous system, and all our emotions. Its like connecting with the energy of gratitude, connecting with packets of energy.
  • In meditative state we're breathing from every single cell, as if flow of energy packets from each cell; and while breathing unraveling and unlocking the hidden mysteries of DNA. It helps to Reprogram our DNA. 97% DNA is inactive and body consciousness lying in dormant form.
  • It helps to break the limits. The comfort zone.
  • It helps to rise from body consciousness to higher consciousness.
  • It is a technology of manifestation.
  • It transforms your aura.
  • It acts as a catalyst in bringing you close to the nature and environment.
  • It helps to regenerate healthy cells within your body.
  • It helps to increase the vibrations of your vibrational body (pranamaya kosha, gyaanmaya kosha). All the kosha’s are different dimensions.
  • It helps in making you experience fourth dimension.
  • It helps in what we're searching for “happiness” in terms of relation, materialization in world, money, etc.
  • A science in which mind is at Vaikhari Articulated thought. Madhyama Abstract thought. Pashyanti Deep fine feeling. (Unified Field based technologies).
  • A science which helps in manifestation at atomic level. It teach us about the protocols to convert those atomic configurations present in the ether into the configuration of matter.
  • It helps in the manifestation at Quantum level. Universe is a fertile land. Whatever you sow, so shall you reap. Creation or manifestation is a 4 or more dimension story.
  • When every cell is regenerating after three months, still why disease occur. In every regeneration, healthy cells should form. But we know it doesn't happen. Because we heal only physical body and not the etheric body. Meditation helps in healing etheric body. It heals pranamaya kosh , the prana shareer, 72 lakh nadis.
  • Activates body Chakras. Just as physical body has veins, blood cells -- etheric body has energy meridians the chakras where the cosmic energy regularly flows.
  • Activates Pituitary Glands. During meditation when we reach turia state, in the samadhi we secrete valium from inside Diazepam - Wikipedia . It is a “Bio Molecule“. Synthetic valium is dangerous, but natural genetically generated valium gives healing effect. Act as a tranquilizer. It secretes from pineal gland.
  • Meditation makes you emotionally strong -- whatever emotions we're emitting; vibrations which are stored in chakra and petals are in the form of energy.
  • Meditation Infuses rythm in our breath. Maintains rythm of breath. It connects your rythm with rythm of universe. A state of rythmic breath and rythmic consciousness. “ Prosperity and Abundance”.

Fact 3 — Meditation gives a meaning to your aura

The three basic constituents of human energy system are:

  1. Electromagnetic field around the body — Your aura. This contains magnetic waves as well as electric waves.
  2. Meridian Points — Conjunction points of 72 lakh nadis.
  3. Chakras — The Energy Reservoirs or magnetic energy receivers. They’re in constant quantum communication with the cosmic world.

Electromagnetic shield —- The Aura

  • It is not a physical entity with definite position and velocity.
  • It is a pattern that does travel in quantum world and can reach out to other energies knowingly and unknowingly. In fact it is a field; and fields are real as per Quantum Field Theory.
  • It is continuous and doesn’t require any medium.
  • Change in electric field produce change in magnetic field as described and invented by James Clerk Maxwell in his famous Maxwell Equations. In our aura magnetic field is female energy and electric field is male energy and they both are inseparable.
  • Female energy is the energy carrier in our electromagnetic shield. Female energy is a receiving energy. It downloads wisdom, creativity, power from cosmic world into your own body in lower chakras. And makes the aura strong and powerful.


  • Chakras are intricately connected to our endocrine system.
  • Each chakra is in its own realm a dimension.
  • Each chakra has its own consciousness and governs specific organs and glands of the body within the realm of endocrine system.

Meditation gives a new meaning to aura

Now, meditation helps to awaken and strengthen our chakras. Chakra meditation is a very powerful tool to awaken our chakra system. Chakras are energy receivers —- they’re in constant quantum communication with cosmic energy. When chakras are awakened and activated they start attracting strong magnetic and electric waves from the cosmic world. These electromagnetic waves carries intense information which needs to be downloaded and decoded. These cosmic intelligence are the source of success. Female energy the central creative force which are in the lower chakras are the energy carriers; which start downloading wisdom, creativity, power from cosmic world into your own body in lower chakras.

As a result our aura — the electromagnetic shield around the body start vibrating at higher frequency. When our energy — the electromagnetic shield dance in outer world they attract higher energy which results in the materialization of physical matter. In this way our life becomes more easy and successful.

Fact 4 — Mindfulness.

Our brain is processing multiple things at the same time. Thoughts meander consciously and unconsciously and henceforth we attract many different things at the same time which leads to wastage of energy. So don’t give confusing signals to universe which one to deliver to you first. Narrow down your requirement be specific and clear; this will result the delivery from universe much faster.

And meditation helps us to be mindful and be aware sub consciously.

I salute you and salute the very divine within you.

Image Source: Canva

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